Pay for College
Paying for college can be overwhelming at times. The Student Financial Service Department is here to assist with all questions regarding the financial aid process, payment arrangements, bookstore vouchers, Ram Cards, and health insurance waivers.
Ways to Pay
- Financial Aid
- Categorical Waivers
- Third Party Payments
- Payment Plans
- Payment in Full
- Scholarships & Awards
- Free Community College
It is the student's responsibility to notify the college of any special circumstances that may affect their bill before the end of the semester, including but not limited to:
- Residency status
- Eligibility for any waiver, credit, or adjustment
- Third Party payment arrangements
Such notifications to the college must be done by sending an email from the student's 十大彩票平台 email account to or by visiting Building 19 Room 288.
Further Ways to Save
Students can save money on a four-year degree by earning a degree at 十大彩票平台 and transferring to a four-year institution through MassTransfer, the Commonwealth Commitment, one of our transfer agreements, or other transfer options.
十大彩票平台 offers high school partnership programs to help high school students earn college credits while in high school and get ahead on their educational journey.